About Greatocean
As an authorized Valvoline Distributor, we provides our customers with premium Valvoline products developed to offer you superiod engine protection.

For our workshop customers, we treat them as our long-term partners. We had done many different marketing activities in traditional marketing and online marketing.
For traditional marketing, we carry out Valvoline roadshow activities and Valvoline mechanic week dinner to enchance our partner’s relationship.
Through the activities, we help them to expose their workshop by capture and posting event photos in the social media platform to let more people to know them.
Then, for the online marketing, we had done the Valvoline Free Oil Campaign to attract and brings more users to do the oil change services at our partner workshops.
We help them to create more customers and also build up the long term loyalty relationship between the workshop and their customers. Last but not least, we believe that a long-term partnership is important and helps to bring us more business and profit in future

Greatocean with a group of key persons by overall 90 years' industry experience are ready to serve with their business associate objectively by developing a complete network to provide the best lubricant solutions to the end user.
Beside by provide product training, we are also will be execute all the relevant industry movement together our business associate. To achieve our vision, we will continuously engage like-minded associate to invent the history in our industry.
Year 2016
Appointed as Sarawak Distributor
year 2017
Appointed as KL, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Central Pahang Distributor
year 2018
Highest Volume Growth Awards.
year 2019
Highest Volume Growth Awards.
year 2020
Highest Volume Achievement Distributor in Malaysia.
Our Team

Greatocean build up a well-trained Valvoline team full with products knowledge and communication skills. It may help in dealing with different types of our customers and help to solve the problems face. Communication is the main point and always emphasise by our team leader in helping to make the works or sales more effectively.
Furthermore, our team member will have a clear direction and vision to achieve every target set by our leader.

The main purpose of our warehouse is for storage of stocks. Our oil stock classify by cartons, pails and drums. All the stocks must keep under the higher level of protection.
Our warehouse always makes sure keeping under clean and tidiness condition. It may help to make sure every step for stocks in and out moving smoothly. It may help control the stocks moving with minimise supervising and under control.

For our workshop customers, we treat them as our long-term partners. We had done many different marketing activities in traditional marketing and online marketing.
We help them to create more customers and also build up the long term loyalty relationship between the workshop and their customers. Last but not least, we believe that a long-term partnership is important and helps to bring us more business and profit in future

Happy Client
There are some companies support and trusting by using Valvoline products